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Research Assistant

Ask questions and get the latest medical research with this AI research assitant, improve patient care and stay up-to-day.


Staying updated with the latest research and advancements in medical literature is vital for healthcare professionals to deliver high-quality care. However, the ever-expanding body of medical knowledge poses significant challenges, particularly in terms of the time required to review and assimilate this information. Doctors face substantial time constraints due to their demanding work schedules, patient care responsibilities, and administrative tasks, which can impede their ability to dedicate sufficient time to stay up-to-date with the latest research findings. This limitation hampers their ability to provide the most current and evidence-based care, potentially impacting patient outcomes and the overall quality of healthcare delivery.

Why it matters

  • Time Constraints: Doctors are confronted with heavy workloads, including patient consultations, diagnostic assessments, treatment planning, and documentation tasks. As a result, they have limited time available for keeping up with the vast and ever-growing body of medical literature. The process of reviewing research articles, attending conferences, and staying abreast of emerging discoveries requires a significant investment of time and effort. With the demands of clinical practice, doctors often find it challenging to allocate sufficient time for comprehensive literature reviews, resulting in potential gaps in their knowledge and an inability to incorporate the latest evidence into their practice.
  • Information Overload: The volume of medical literature published is increasing at an unprecedented rate, with new studies, clinical trials, and research findings emerging constantly. This wealth of information can be overwhelming for doctors to navigate and process effectively. The sheer volume and diversity of sources make it difficult to identify relevant and trustworthy research articles, leading to the risk of missing critical updates or relying on outdated information. Doctors face the challenge of distinguishing between high-quality studies and potentially biased or flawed research, further complicating their efforts to stay updated with the latest evidence.
  • Translation and Application: Even when doctors have access to the latest research, another challenge lies in effectively translating and applying this knowledge to their clinical practice. Research findings often need to be contextualized, considering patient-specific factors, clinical guidelines, and individual treatment goals. Doctors must integrate the evidence into their decision-making process, aligning it with their clinical experience and patient preferences. This process requires time, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of both the research and its application in real-world healthcare scenarios.


To address the challenge of staying updated with the latest research in medical literature, a custom-made AI copilot can be developed, leveraging the capabilities of a Language Model (LLM) trained on medical literature. This AI copilot would serve as a reliable and efficient resource for doctors to obtain factual and evidence-based insights from medical literature. By utilizing its extensive knowledge base, the AI copilot can swiftly process and extract relevant information, providing doctors with concise and accurate answers to their questions. It can assist in retrieving up-to-date research findings, summarizing key points, and offering insights into the application of evidence-based practices. By empowering doctors with instant access to the latest medical literature, the AI copilot can save time, enhance knowledge acquisition, and enable informed clinical decision-making, ultimately improving patient care and outcomes.

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  • Medical Literature
  • Peer review journals


  1. Alper BS, Hand JA, Elliott SG, Kinkade S, Hauan MJ, Onion DK, Sklar BM. How much effort is needed to keep up with the literature relevant for primary care? J Med Libr Assoc. 2004 Oct;92(4):429-37. PMID: 15494758; PMCID: PMC521514.

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