use cases

Discharge Note

Speed up hospital discharge note writing, reduce doctors' workload, and minimize patient risks.


The process of writing discharge notes by doctors in hospitals is currently plagued by two major issues: excessive time consumption and increased risk of patient infection. These problems arise due to the additional time required for hospitalization and the potential transmission of infections. Addressing these concerns is essential to streamline the discharge process, optimize healthcare provider productivity, and prioritize patient safety.

Why it matters

  • Excessive Time Consumption: Doctors face significant challenges when writing discharge notes, primarily due to the increased complexity and length of documentation required for hospitalized patients. The prolonged hospital stay necessitates more comprehensive and detailed notes, encompassing medical history, treatment plans, medication instructions, and follow-up recommendations. As a result, doctors spend an inordinate amount of time meticulously crafting these notes, detracting from their availability for other patient care activities. This leads to inefficiencies, delays in patient discharge, and potential backlogs in hospitals.
  • Increased Risk of Patient Infection: Extended hospitalization exposes patients to a heightened risk of acquiring healthcare-associated infections. The time spent in a hospital setting puts individuals in closer proximity to pathogens and increases the likelihood of transmission. Doctors, as key healthcare providers, spend considerable time in patient rooms, interacting with potentially contagious individuals and touching various surfaces. Consequently, the increased exposure to infectious agents elevates the possibility of doctors inadvertently transmitting infections to subsequent patients when writing discharge notes.

Both these issues compromise the quality of healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. The protracted discharge note writing process strains healthcare resources, affecting both patients' timely discharge and doctors' ability to attend to other critical duties. Moreover, the augmented risk of patient infection threatens the fundamental principle of healthcare, which is to 'do no harm.' Thus, it is imperative to devise interventions that address the excessive time spent on discharge note writing while concurrently mitigating the potential transmission of infections to safeguard patient safety and optimize healthcare operations.


To address the challenges associated with the time-consuming process of writing discharge notes in hospitals, as well as the increased risk of patient infection, an AI-powered Language Model (LM) can be utilized to assist doctors in drafting comprehensive and accurate discharge notes. Leveraging the capabilities of a Large Language Model (LLM), doctors can provide prompts and receive real-time assistance in generating the necessary documentation.

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  • Patient information


  1. Myers JS, Jaipaul CK, Kogan JR, Krekun S, Bellini LM, Shea JA. Are discharge summaries teachable? The effects of a discharge summary curriculum on the quality of discharge summaries in an internal medicine residency program. Acad Med. 2006;81(10 Suppl):S5-8. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
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